Saturday, November 23, 2013


I do not have a Masters in Psychology. I don't know much about a human mind. But I'm pretty sure...... ill save this statement for the last!According to the definition given by Wikipedia,"A mind is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory—a characteristic of humans, but which also may apply to other life forms".This gives us an idea of what a human mind is all about. But this doesn't explain everything.According to my philosophy,human mind is the only abstract part of the brain that co-exists like a symbiont in a human brain.Human brain has all the information and your MIND reacts to the information in your HOST BRAIN!
 This doesn't explain much right ?Basically this explains everything. The nature of the human mind is totally dependent on its host brain.Now you know the basics of a mind! You know what a human mind works still you don't have control over your mind. People who do YOGA might think i have total control over my mind. Is that right ? Nope! Whenever you do yoga you are advised to take your mind to a calm state and you have your mind wandering over a white space or in your favorite scenario. So who takes control you or your mind? Now this will be a more tougher question! People tell you to control your mind.So are you different from your mind? My thoughts over this question is that you are a share of that "abstract part" of your brain. 

First let me get this concept straight ~What is the difference between you and your mind?

Answer is :You are your very own enemy. You don't believe me ? Okay try taking your self to this scenario(TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL). You have two options. You can choose only one no matter what. You have to choose between saving a person (a totally unknown person) and taking a bag full of diamonds worth 100 billion dollars. You may choose anyone option and only one.
Ok be honest to yourself you must have considered anyone option as your primary option(pick on sight). Now that is your mind. The one forcing you to take the other option is yourself. If you tell me "i glued myself to one option right from the start" you have become a slave to your mind! Not a bad thing. In this process you have killed your alter ego. Basically every human mind is divided into two parts. Socially people refer to it as 
1) Heart(the alter ego).
2) Senses(this is just our mind but I'm replacing it with the word senses to differentiate between the integral HUMAN MIND and the actual mind we are going to talk about).

The first part of your mind takes all the emotional decisions. Aah!! breaking up with your girl friend for a silly fight isn't the work of your heart! It's your freaking Sense! I'm making up another scenario here, a loved one is in trouble. He/She has committed a very vicious crime or an act and law is behind his tail. He is in your secret custody. U did not know what he did. He claimed it all to be bogus when he came to you. Now proof says he has done something terrible. You know he could have done that. But you love him and you care for him. Your senses would say he has done a bad thing he should be punished but you couldn't do anything about it. Because your other part says i love him so dearly i can't do this. And this part is your HEART, you protect the beloved person listening to it. These people have a STRONG HEART. Some might even take the unusual option of leading the law to the beloved. Yes these people have a STRONG SENSES. That doesn't mean they have a weak heart. Their senses has a superior power and has emasculated their heart.Now in the fight between your heart and your senses where are you? You are the mixture or combo of both your HEART and your SENSES.
"So what this has to do anything with controlling my mind??" GOOD QUESTION if your mind has been thinking that! You are a mere puppet to your complex MIND. Basically your mind works with the results provided by it's partitions(heart and senses). First of all there is no such thing as good mind or a bad mind. Every mind determines to do something and the outcome is determined as GOOD or BAD by the society! Consider a group killing people from every other religion , some call them TERRORISTS some MIGHT call them heroes! So basically the standards set by the society around a HUMAN MIND shapes the HUMAN MIND! To be more definitive and clear the society your mind lives in is your MIND! Society brands it your mind lives it! We are now being controlled by other minds rather than our own partitions. Do you think that is the trouble ? Nope the trouble is when you start accepting the standards set by OTHER MINDS!Some people kill, some help others. So what do you think makes them do this? So why do you think they are doing this?

Answer is simple. The facts taken in by your mind is the reason behind it. Never blame the society for your actions. Society puts a lot of information in front of your mind. It is you who picks that information. It is you who uses it for or against the society. And the society takes the liberty in branding you for it. I could talk for an hour about how society is controlling us all. But that's a totally different subject. For now we are being controlled by some other entity other than ourselves, that is all we need to know.
Now how do we get to control it ?
I helped you understanding your mind. Now the rational part is up to you. This doesn't mean killing your neighbor over petty issues! Being rational is something which involves only your mind for your actions and no one else ! This means you do something you shouldn't blow the earth up for it ! You do something you live or you die! This idea may be reflected in your society after all its my opinion. The following statement might be a little hard to digest but get over it after you read that!

P.S. This is the point I tried telling u in the beginning. I'm pretty sure I'm a fool because with all this information I myself couldn't control my complex abstract part of my brain. I had u controlled, i made u read the entire post just with a deceitful topic! And that is the SOCIETY!  

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